Become craftsman member
Choose between the free subscription which offers a worksite opportunity and the PRO Package which are both found in Espace PRO. Then just fill in your details to register. The PRO subscription is the best value for money because it will offer you 5 new job opportunities.
Create your profile
It's like a mini website that really makes your business shine. Show examples of your work, your skills and all the advice you receive. It also shows up in searches through Google, so it's a great way to market yourself.
Get jobs to do quickly
You will receive requests corresponding to your respective profession that we will send you by e-mail. Read each ad description to decide which site is right for you. Once done you can accept it. You can contact the customer directly.

Send your quote
You can analyze the work requested with your expert eye and move to the location of the future site in order to refine your estimate which you will then send to the client.
The client will analyze the various quotes received and then select a craftsman for his project. Please rest assured that we verify all customer phone numbers to make sure they are genuine.
Sorted, graded jobs & get more jobs
When the customer has given you his job and you have done the work, everything is done, he can assess you on the quality, reliability and value of your work. Get the feedback under your belt to build the reputation you need to win more jobs in the future.